Birthday reply from the King of Spain

Received the Birthday reply from His Majesty the King of Spain!

Sent on 7 January 2023
Received on 1 March 2023
Postage: About 0.55 GBP
Sent to: 
The King of Spain
Palacio de la Zarzuela
Carretera del Pardo s/n
28071 Madrid

I sent a Birthday card to the King of Spain on January, and received the response two days ago!

Unfortunately, I received this lovely reply without pictures inside the envelope, but it is still exiting :))

This reply came with the Christmas and New Year reply, I have no idea why they arrived at me at the same time, maybe it is because the planes between Spain and Taiwan get less due to Covid. :0

Inside the Reply:
"Su Majestad el Rey me ha encargado que le translade, en su nombre, su afectuoso agradecimiento por la cariñosa felicitación que le ha hecho en el llegar en día de su cumpleaños. "

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